Do you feel like you are missing out on opportunities?
TwinEngine’s Brand Traffic Control (BTC) provides your organization a with a new way to manage your brand and help you to stand out using simple tools to strengthen and master the 8 fundamentals of standing out in business: Purpose, Reputation, Visuality, Authenticity, Ideal Leads, Distinction, Strategy and Mindset. The first step is to take the assessment to identify areas of focus. The next step is to develop a plan. With the One-Page Marketing Plan you are able to define your distinct advantage and develop a blueprint to outline and measure the marketing strategies you need to reach your goals and stand out in the marketplace.
The Brand Traffic Control Tools are designed to help you strengthen your marketing plan and areas of focus. With an annual subscription you will have access to 30+ tools ranging from strategic planning, to identifying and targeting your ideal lead to developing a dashboard to measure success.
Brand Traffic Control Assessment
Assess the strength of your brand.
Learn more.
The One-Page
Marketing Plan
Create a high level plan that can be measured.
Learn more.
Brand Traffic Control
(BTC) Tools
Unlock the tools you need to strengthen your brand.
Learn more.