Empowering users with operational intelligence to elevate performance


The fusion of two industry leaders into a single brand carried the challenge of integrating distinct corporate identities without diluting the essence that had made each entity successful. It was imperative to establish a new, unified brand that would continue the legacy of trust and innovation while also forging a clear, purpose-driven identity. The brand needed to resonate with a combined workforce, reassure current customers and partners, attract new customers, and stand as a testament to a shared commitment to excellence and the profound impact on the industry.



The new brand, SmartSights, was developed to embody the integration of both companies’ strengths, reflecting their purpose to empower users with operational intelligence to elevate performance. The strategy hinged on developing a unified mission and shared values that mirrored the combined dedication to service and technological innovation. SmartSights pledged to empower businesses with the insights to navigate the complexities of their critical operations, anchored by values that spelled out S.M.A.R.T—Serve, Maximize, Accountable, Resilient, and Trust.



With the launch of SmartSights, the new brand narrative solidified the company’s place in the market as a unified, insightful leader in operational intelligence. The clear positioning and fresh identity of SmartSights strengthened bonds with the target audience and reinforced trust within the industry. Their values and purpose-driven messaging became a beacon for innovation, service, and reliability, fostering new growth opportunities and reinforcing its market leadership.