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The One-Page Marketing Plan

The One-Page Marketing Plan is both a tool and a process. It provides the ability to organize the key components of a brand marketing plan based on the Eight Fundamentals of Standing Out in Business. This tool will help you conceptualize your organizational purpose, what you stand for, distinct advantage, ideal leads, authentic messaging, brand positioning in the market place, brand persona, key issues you are facing in your industry niche, and off-the-radar opportunities you may be overlooking. The plan provides a base and structure from which to align your business strategies and goals with your marketing efforts to get you where you want to go.

The One-Page Marketing Plan

Distinct Advantage

Your distinct advantage will position your organization to stand out among your competitors, influencers and industry thought leaders. Now more than ever, your organization’s success is determined by how clearly you define and communicate your core values and qualities. In short, it’s all about what you stand for. What do you stand for? Whether your business is established or new, you have to know what you stand for before your customers can know. Do you know? The question has become not only how can you stand out, but what will you stand for. It’s crucial that you direct how your business distinguishes itself in the marketplace.

Distinct Advantage Worksheets