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Brand Traffic Control Assessment

Do you feel like you are missing out on opportunities? Has the competitive landscape made it harder to stand out and get noticed? If you answered “yes” to these questions – your organization needs a plan.
The Brand Traffic Control Assessment is designed to assess the strength and alignment of your brand on 8 Fundamentals of Standing Out in Business: Purpose, Reputation, Visuality, Authenticity, Ideal Leads, Distinction, Strategy and Mindset.

You can also plot the 8 Fundamentals on the BTC Radar tool.

The One-Page Marketing Plan

With the One-Page Marketing Plan you are able to define your distinct advantage and develop a blueprint to outline and measure the marketing strategies you need to reach your goals and stand out in the marketplace.

By developing a One-Page Marketing Plan, you will:

  • Increase exposure of your company’s authentic personality
  • Uncover big sky ideas
  • Build stronger relationships internally and externally
  • Communicate your company’s unique qualities and differentiators
  • Align internal and external messaging
  • Focus your strategy to key campaigns and activities that lead to specific results
  • Target and nurture your ideal leads
  • Build a high level plan that can be measured

Brand Traffic Control (BTC) Tools

The Brand Traffic Control Tools are designed to help you strengthen your marketing plan and areas of focus. With an annual subscription you will have access to 30+ tools ranging from strategic planning, to identifying and targeting your ideal lead to developing a dashboard to measure success.

By utilizing these tools for your organization, your brand will stand out and be positioned to take off:

  • Strengthen your organization’s 8 fundamentals to stand out and take off
  • Enhance your marketing strategy
  • Align your brand with your strategy and purpose
  • Know what makes your brand distinct
  • Assess where you are compared to the competition
  • Target and nurture your ideal leads
  • Strengthen your sales funnel
  • Measure what’s working and what isn’t
  • The One-Page Marketing Plan
  • Purpose
  • Big Sky Ideas
  • What If
  • Reputation Sentiment
  • Value Proposition
  • Perception versus Reality
  • Brand Evaluation
  • Brand Perception
  • Inkblot Test
  • Brand Personality
  • Brand Attributes
  • Elevator Speech
  • Problem/Solution
  • Brand Discription
  • Ideal Leads
  • Ideal Lead Persona Map
  • Close Sale
  • Distinction
  • Distinction Advantage Worksheet
  • Number One
  • Marketing Trends
  • Brand and Marketing Alignment
  • Dashboard
  • Start. Stop. Continue.