define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia: Iconic Character and Brand | TwinEngine Skip to main content

With the passing of Carrier Fisher, we are reminded of the enormous impact she had on a generation and an industry as the iconic Princess Leia. Although her death comes as a shock, many fans have come together to mourn and remember their princess by holding memorials and parades in her honor. Her memory and brand will live on forever as the fierce and confident princess-warrior who helped defeat the Empire and save the galaxy.

Princess Leia as a Brand

Princess Leia is arguably one of the most iconic movie characters this generation has ever seen. Carrie Fisher not only brought her to life but also immortalized the role into a brand that transcended the Star Wars movies. Princess Leia, as a brand, represents a fierce and confident woman who fought to protect her people and save the galaxy. Her role re-defined an industry and showed what a female character lead could be; showing countless young girls that they didn’t need to be saved. She was not only an accomplished actress but also a prominent advocate for gender equality and mental illness as well as an exceptional writer. Carrie Fisher embodied and personified the character of Princess Leia and will always be a captivating role model and loved for generations to come.

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Samantha Barnes

Author Samantha Barnes

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