define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); IKEA - Doing It a Different Way For the Many People | TwinEngine Skip to main content

When most people think of IKEA, they think of assembly furniture, large warehouse storefronts, DIY, or even Sweden. IKEA is a multinational group of companies that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture, appliances, small motor vehicles and home accessories. But, IKEA is more than that and it is evident within the way they live out their company’s purpose.

IKEA was built on a concept to furnish the world, one home at a time. The concept comes from a place of values that emerge from the heart. IKEA stands for making everyday life better for the many people by doing it a different way. They aim to provide a range of home furnishing products that are affordable to many people, not just a few. However, they want to go beyond just providing furniture to homes, but instead to provide a better everyday for every person impacted by their company. IKEA’s culture is one of enthusiasm, togetherness, willpower and hard work born from its Swedish roots. They know what they stand for and they integrate this throughout their organization.


Identifying the characteristics that distinguish a company from its competitors has never been more essential for success than it is now. Online reach and global media have drawn every industry in to international focus. With these changes come expanded opportunities, but also expanded exposure.

Standing out is a function of several things—understanding and promoting the purpose behind your business and what guides you to do what you do; identifying your authentic self—your company’s personality and personal stories and then integrating these into your marketing and communications efforts; and finally managing and promoting your reputation within the landscape of different communication media.

All organizations must stand out to be successful, but some companies manage to stand out continuously for many years. It’s not that they don’t have competition, but they repeatedly support innovation and a dedication to excellence. They are truly at the top of their class.

Samantha Barnes

Author Samantha Barnes

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