define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Knowing Your True Purpose as a Company | TwinEngine Skip to main content

PANERA BREAD IS A BRAND THAT KNOWS ITS TRUE PURPOSE, AND IT IS EVIDENT IN EVERY ASPECT OF THE ORGANIZATION. Panera is “simple pleasure, honest and genuine.” With the eating health of the nation becoming a fast growing problem, Panera, as a purveyor of food, has made a decision to become a part of the solution rather than the problem, and they implement that choice in every action they take.

How does Panera Bread Stand Out as a company?

1. Panera is personally invested in the state of the nation’s health – they want to serve food they would eat themselves and prepare for their own children. They care about how their food is made, sourced, handled and prepared. They voluntarily post calories on their menus, remove artificial ingredients from their food and offer poultry raised without antibiotics. They have changed the status quo of fast food restaurants – setting a high bar – to proactively participate in changing the options that people have in the areas in which they operate.

2. Panera understands their responsibility to do and be more. However, they encourage others to be a part of the solution as well. They encourage suppliers and competitors to rethink the way they do business and for customers to care – to demand transparency and cleaner menus. They are open about the changes they are making and encourage communities to spread the wellness as well.

3. They focus on what their customers truly care about – the joy of good eating. And this focus is shown through the actions they take to “see our country get healthier and stronger.”

It’s awesome to see brands like Panera that are aligned on brand, purpose and strategy.

Are your customers raving fans? Does your brand provoke this kind of loyalty? When your purpose as an organization aligns with your brand and strategy, you too can change the face of an industry.

Samantha Barnes

Author Samantha Barnes

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