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Love The Leads You’re With

It’s important to give a lot of love to the relationships in your business world. A lot of what you do to nurture personal relationships can also be applied to business relationships. Online traffic that has been converted into leads needs “love” and nurturing, just like any other relationship. What can you do to love your leads and convert them into new sales? Check out this list of best practices:

Know your leads:

Different campaigns draw in different leads. When you develop email campaigns to send to your leads, tailor each email blast to specific groups. Don’t lump all of your leads together if they’re responding to different offers.

Deliver what you promise:

What was your initial offer for your leads? If you promised something by a specific date, then have it ready for them by that date. If you did not include a specific timeline, have their offer ready in a reasonable amount of time. Don’t keep your leads waiting.

Be accessible and available:

Your leads may have questions or want more information before they make a buying decision. You, or someone in your business, need to be accessible to them, through email or phone, with answers. When creating a new campaign, hold a meeting with whatever departments in your business will be involved to get everyone on the same page. Everyone should know how to handle situations when leads come with questions.

Schedule regular interactions:

Much like a weekly or monthly date night, your leads need to have a regularly scheduled interaction with you, whether it’s through email, a phone call, or something else. Determine a schedule that shows consistency, but do not overwhelm your leads with a barrage of constant communication.

Be unique and valuable:

What can you offer your leads that they can’t get anywhere else? What offer can you provide that holds value for them? The more unique and valuable your offers are, the more reason your leads will have to check back and continue a relationship with you.

An organized and automated lead generation platform can assist in nurturing leads from interest to sale. According to an MIT Study in 2014, companies that implemented an Inbound Marketing plan reached 6 times more leads per month within 1 year than those without. 69% of these saw an increase in sales revenue, 74% of which experienced this increase within 7 months. Over 30% reduced their sales cycle.

Build Your Leads

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Samantha Barnes

Author Samantha Barnes

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