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Your brand’s reputation is a valuable asset. What customers think about your company can’t be bought; it has to be worked for and earned. A brand’s exposure is far more vulnerable than ever these days because of the pervasive use of the internet.

So how do you protect your brand’s reputation on social media?


Communication is key to any healthy relationship and communicating with customers and would-be customers is no different. Giving customers an understanding about what you stand for can enhance reputation and increase positive brand perception. These days, customers buy based on who you are as much as by what you sell.


Being proactive is the best way to limit any damage to your brand’s reputation. However, if negative feedback is posted about your company, responding, or even apologizing, in a timely manner can help resolve the matter more quickly and with less damage to your reputation, possibly increasing positive perceptions about your company.


Your social media strategy should include monitoring what is being said about your company and brand. By watching for both positive and negative feedback, you can respond to customers faster. Monitoring also helps your company become proactive rather than reactive in defining its risk management policies.

Build Your Brand Awareness By Developing An Integrated Plan.

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Samantha Barnes

Author Samantha Barnes

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