define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Standing Out Amidst Business Competition | TwinEngine Skip to main content

Winnie-HartBeing identical twins, we have quite a bit of experience relating to the challenges involved in achieving the individuality required in order to stand out. (p.s. Winnie is on the left and Lorrie is on the right).
What we have realized is that your distinct advantage is not just what makes your product or service different; it’s what makes your company different. It is the unique combination of gifts, experiences, culture, stories, skills and inclinations that make up who you are and what you do in ways that your competition doesn’t, can’t or won’t.

Identifying the characteristics which distinguish a company from its competitors has never been more essential for success than it is today. The internet and global media have drawn every industry in to international focus. With these changes come expanded opportunities and expanded exposure, but they have also broadened the playing field. Companies which used to have one or two local competitors could now have dozens or even hundreds of competitors.

In the immortal words of Oscar Wilde: “Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.”

Read more in our EO Blog “Standing Out Amidst Business Competition”

Also, tune in 1:20 a.m. (7:20pm tonight CST), or 9:20 a.m. (GMT) or 5:20 p.m. (GMT), as part of EO’s 24 hour-long virtual-learning event.

Samantha Barnes

Author Samantha Barnes

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