define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); The One-Page Marketing Plan–Distinct Advantage | TwinEngine Skip to main content

The secret to gaining distinction is to operate from a foundation of purpose. Why? Because no other company will have your unique combination of gifts, experiences, culture, stories, skills and inclinations. It’s like corporate DNA.

Communicating what makes your company different will translate in to what makes your products or services different. It’s like putting a WHO to the WHAT.

The first step in defining your distinctiveness will be determining what your company provides that your customers and prospects need that your competitors don’t provide, won’t provide or can’t provide. Once determined, these distinct advantages will become the focus of your marketing efforts and messaging (what you do). The final step in achieving distinction in the marketplace involves authenticity.

In the process of creating communications (marketing messages) about its products or services, it’s typical for a company to overlook “authenticity” in favor of things that they believe are more attention grabbing—flashy product features, showy design elements and clever messages. And yet authenticity is the very thing that helps build relationships and keep customers coming back again and again.

Under the Brand Traffic Control process, those things that authentically distinguish a company from its competitors will have greater clarity and alignment to its vision, it’s values and beliefs and its purpose. When a company aligns its operations and activities with its purpose and its authentic personality, it operates from a position of confidence and strength.

Why you do what you do and what difference that makes to your customers may take some soul searching to pin down, but it will be worth the effort. These are the characteristics that you will leverage to build your brand to Stand Out.

To download The One-Page Marketing Plan, click here.

Samantha Barnes

Author Samantha Barnes

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