define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); There’s No Slack in this Brand | TwinEngine Skip to main content

Is your email inbox overwhelming? Slack, a cloud-based team communication app is changing that by making your workplace communication “less busy” with easy file sharing and team messaging. This distinct advantage is how Slack is climbing the ladder to the top of the team messaging app world.

Revolutionizing Team Communication

Slack is revolutionizing the way you communicate in the workplace. When Slack was first introduced in 2013, it was essentially a “niche product beloved among early adaptors in the tech and media industries” according to It now has 1.25 million paid user and an impressive $3.8 billion valuation. Slack makes your team’s communication more productive and less of a hassle with open channels and direct messaging that’s easy and efficient. Slack has made email almost a thing of the past; you can share and drop any file with co-workers and it’s all searchable so you don’t have to dig through an email thread ever again. They can even integrate the tools your company already uses into their platform making them a one-stop-shop for team communication. They are not only good at making your workplace communication easy but they are ‘first movers’ within their industry which has given them a distinct advantage; allowing them to set the bar for their industry.

How Do You Stand Out

To stand out, you need to be more of what makes you who you are – those positive qualities that your customer appreciate. Your challenge is to identify those things, and nurture, and promote them because they are your distinct advantage. And when you know your distinct advantage, you stand out from your competition. Slack knows what it means to stand out. Do you?

Samantha Barnes

Author Samantha Barnes

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