define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Are You A Skimmer? | TwinEngine Skip to main content

There are millions of different outlets to gather news from and it can be very overwhelming. So how can you cut through all of the clutter? There is a company out there that does just that.

The Skimm is a newsletter that keeps readers up-to-date on current events and breaking news through emails every morning. This company takes into account the fact that few people have the time or interest to read all the news in detail every day – it’s time consuming and not always of interest – and they turned that fact into a target market for their service.


The Skimm understands that most of their readers want to be kept in the loop with news, but do not have the time, energy or interest in reading, watching or listening to the news. So they created a newsletter that “skims” through all of the important facts and gives a summary about current events that are happening in the world around us. Not only are the skims short and concise, but they are written in a way that everyone can understand. Their content is catchy, to the point and entertaining to read – reporting the news at a whole new level.


And if you think that’s not simple enough, they’ve developed an app so you don’t have to search through your inbox. Plus, it notifies users about upcoming events, holidays, etc., even when tickets go on sale for a favorite artist – all of which can be customized so you are not overwhelmed with information that does not interest you. So users who might not remember to check their email can still keep up with “the Skimm.”

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Samantha Barnes

Author Samantha Barnes

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