define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Judging a Book by Its Cover | TwinEngine Skip to main content

We’ve all been taught not to judge a book by its cover, but we do. That’s why first impressions can be so powerful. We judge brands in much the same way. The outward appearance of a company’s brand communicates what they stand for. What many brands don’t realize is the real impact this can have.

Last week, Netflix rolled out a new icon. At first, we thought it was a new logo, but then realized that it is an icon that has been added to their existing brand. Netflix has always had a stand out brand. When our favorite companies make these types of changes we tend to want to know why and the stories behind them. It’s the stories that followers find intriguing and may identify with and it connects the visual with the meaning behind the change.

With this addition we question if Netflix followers will now view this icon as their “logo”? The change could dominate or dilute the brand. Only time will tell.

What it takes for your brand to stand out:
  1. See yourself outside of yourself. Be neutral when looking at the brand of your organization. Do you see any flaws or weaknesses? You will find that when you are able to see yourself outside of yourself, you see the world through an entirely different lens.
  2. Reflect your organization through your brand. The visual identity of your brand should be authentic and tell the story of your organization. It should reflect the message you are trying to share with prospects and customers.
  3. Integrate your brand consistently throughout all media. Is the visual identity of your social media, website, collaterals, etc. consistent? Is it in alignment with your purpose?

Does the outward appearance of your brand truly reflect who your organization is and the value it delivers? Take the Brand Traffic Control Assessment and find out.

Samantha Barnes

Author Samantha Barnes

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