define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); What is Your Reputation Score? // TwinEngine Skip to main content

Just as we now have credit scores, in the near future this score will transform into a reputation score, not just the companies we own or work for, but us as leaders and as people.

In this new world our “reputation score” will be the only metric that people need in order to make a decision on how to do business, and with whom. It effectively becomes the new credit score. Our reputation scores will be used to decide who gets upgraded on a flight, who can buy products from us, or who gets priority customer service. People will work with you, buy from you, and invest in you based on your reputation.

Today reputation is one of the most valuable marketing assets a brand or business can have. However, too many marketers and business owners remain in the mindset of ‘managing’ reputation, we only tend to it when problems arise. Instead, we should take advantage of this significant change in what attracts and influences customers to our brands and business.

To learn how to stand out when it comes to your reputation, download the 10 Best Practices to Stand Out When it Comes to Reputation.

Samantha Barnes

Author Samantha Barnes

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