define('DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true); Pandora: Connecting What You Hear to What You See | TwinEngine Skip to main content

When I think back on my most treasured memories, music is usually connected to them. Music is everywhere. We hear it while we shop, on the ride to work, at the gym – everywhere. There are many ways to hear it. Pandora is one of the leading music apps that connects you to the music you love. Pandora wants to take that mission a step further through a new rebranding initiative that connects what you hear to what you see using dynamic visuals.

What Does Music Really Look Like?

The Pandora icon and logo are getting upgrades designed to connect what you hear to what you see. The icon is shedding its dark blue color for a softer flatter “P” with no hole in the center. The new logo is designed as unique visuals that expresses the feeling you might have when listening to your favorite song. Each visual was developed with one question in mind–What does music look like?“Just as music is made up of harmony, melody, and rhythm, Pandora’s designers used form, color, and patterns to visualize what music might look like, all with the new, bulbous “P” sitting square in the middle of the canvas”, said Fast Company. Pandora’s new executive creative director said it best, that “music doesn’t look like one thing. It’s pretty dynamic. It can be bold, it can be quiet. It can be colorful.” These new designs will help Pandora have an even greater connection with their users.

Stand Out Through Your Brand Identity

One of the first interactions a customer has with a product is what they see and it has a big impact on their first impression. The outward appearance of a brand can truly reflect who the organization is and the value it delivers. Brand visuals, like icons and logos, can demonstrate the authenticity and purpose behind a company to help them stand out.

Do your brand visuals connect with your customers? Take the Brand Traffic Control Assessment and find out.

Samantha Barnes

Author Samantha Barnes

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